Monday, December 24, 2018

Get the Best Deal On Sheet Metal Machinery for Sale!

The increasing demand for sheer metal machineries at our industries is growing day by day. Sheet metals are used for a wide range of purposes. Fabrication to manufacturing and production units; every where they need these sheet metal machineries in order to keep up the right flow for their operations! If you are also looking for the sheet metal machinery for sale, then Springs Industrial Machinery or known as SIM can bring great help for you. this venue is known for its manufacturing, maintenance and servicing of sheet metal machineries and also offer training as well as call-out services that can come in handy for just any industry that deal in such trade.

This manufacturing unit is also popular for its plate rollers. These plate rollers are considered as the most powerful, efficient and productive one on the use. So, when you are looking for plate rollers for sale in Johannesburg, you must consider this name on a high node. This service provider is into business since 1979. This vast experience has always helped them to determine what their clients are looking for. While offering sheet metal machinery for sale, they also keep the cost in mind. The cost associated with these machines is surely going to remain less than the actual market price.

Whether you run a fabrication unit or you are into manufacturing business, sheet metals are surely going to come in your way when it comes to make the products. Cutting the sheet metal and fabricating it to get the desired product is a challenging job. For this, you always need right kind of machinery that can make accurate cuts on the sheet metal or fabricate it with the right dimensions so that you get your desired product in the best shape. This is where the sheet metal machinery for sale can come in very handy on the use.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Guillotines for Sale in Johannesburg are Equipped with a Rigid Construction!

Shearing through the sheet metal and other metal plates has become easier due to the invention of guillotines. These machines are very powerful and also productive on the use. When you are looking forward to make your production unit more efficient and productive, these machines must be installed. Manufacturing and fabrication units also need this type of machine to run their operations smoothly and on time. However, getting the best price on these machines has also become easier due to the announcement of SIM or known as the Springs Industrial Machinery. 

Guillotines for sale in Johannesburg is announced by this service provider and allowing customers to get the best deal on such machines. The guillotines machines you find here are hydraulically operated and very powerful. These machines are designed to last long. They are very accurate when it comes to acquire the perfect shearing every time. This venue is also the best place for those who are looking for the best price on press brake for sale in Johannesburg. The guillotines machines you see here are equipped with steel construction that is heavy and rigid as well. Due to this type of construction, such machines can withstand against any tendency when it comes to twist frames and to cut edges. 

Such a guillotine machine can even cut through plates that use to have a thickness of sixteen mm. the swing beam principle is followed while designing such a machine and also come with a hydraulically balanced system. Due to this reason, the framework is not going to twist when excessive load is applied. It’s the tank’s design of the machine that ensures oil will not overheat when the machine runs continuously. For both the bottom and top blades, 4 different cutting edges have been provides and these are the interchangeable ones as well.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Key Features That Make an Ideal Guillotine

A Guillotine is a highly functional machine that is used to cut large stacks of paper with high precision within a short amount of time. The paper cutting industry sees the most use of Guillotines. 

A Guillotine in its most basic form consists of a flat board along with a blade attached to one edge fitted with a handle and weight. The blade used in a Guillotine is made from stainless steel and is made very sharp to make the cutting process easy, fast and efficient with strong accuracy. If you are looking for ideal and high-performance Guillotines for sale in Johannesburg, you may check few excellent ones available at SIM Manufacturing Co. Pty. Ltd. They also have a functional website:  that highlights all their available products for sale. You may check out their website to view the details of Simcraft Guillotines, QC12Y Guillotines or Treadle Guillotines that are brand new and are of exceptional quality and performance.

Key Features


The SIMCRAFT Hydraulic Guillotine showcases a rigid heavy steel construction that is made the deliver perfect shearing each time. It can withstand plate thickness up to 16mm. The hydraulically balanced system makes sure there is no twisting of the framework under load.

2. QC12Y Guillotine:

This is a German Standard Hydraulic Guillotine Shearing Machine. It is made from the highest quality materials to achieve CNC precision cutting. Pre-selection of cutting strokes and cutting numbers is available as a special feature.

3. Treadle Guillotine:

The main feature of a Treadle Guillotine is continuous cutting with the highest efficiency and accuracy. It uses 1.6mm x 1250mm Blade for effective cutting.
If you are in search of highly functional Guillotines and Press Brakes for sale in Johannesburg, feel free to visit and check out the available machine and tools for sale.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Uses and Advantages of Sheet Metal Forming

The metal extracted from its parent metal ore is made to take different shapes and forms that are required for different applications. There are different kinds of metal forming processes out of which metal rollforming is an important and useful procedure applied mostly to form sheet metal.

Sheet Metal Forming

Sheet metal forming is the process of shaping and reshaping metal sheets into different forms and shapes intended for various purposes and applications. Sheet metal is being used in many different applications including automobile panels and aluminum cans as common examples. Sheet metal forming procedure requires a number of different sheet metal machinery tools to accomplish the process.

SIM Manufacturing Co. Pty. Ltd. offers sheet metal machinery for sale, so you have a great chance of getting the best quality sheet metal machinery for your business applications at the best rates in South Africa. You may visit their official website: to have a proper view of the available sheet metal machinery and plate rollers for sale in Johannesburg, and get them at the best prices.

In metal forming industry, ductility of the metal plays a really important role. Ductility of the sheet metal means its ability to tolerate the pressure without cracking or breaking. The more the ductility, the better it is for metalworkers. Metals with high value of ductility are gold, silver, copper and aluminum, and hence their prices are higher compared to less ductile metal such as iron.

Different metal sheets are used for different purposes depending on their ductility. Once the decision is made, metal forming starts. If you are looking for the best sheet metal machinery for sale or plate rollers for sale in Johannesburg, SIM Manufacturing Co. Pty. Ltd. is definitely a great place to check out.